Important Reasons Why Small Business Owners Should Rent Storage Units

18 January 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog


Are you thinking about starting up a company of your own? Are you tired of working for other people and want to take control of your earnings? A home-based business can be a good choice for many people, but it can take a lot of work to ensure that your endeavor is profitable. Here are some ways that renting storage units (from a local outlet such as U-Stor-It) can help with your plans:  

Keep duplicate copies: Keeping duplicates of important papers can help you in several ways. For example, if you're ever audited by the IRS, you can expedite the process by sending them your copies and keeping your originals. Also, when you keep your records at home, you may find that your spouse accidentally threw them out or your kids used them for paper airplanes. Keeping a separate set of records away from your home will protect you if your originals are lost, thrown out, or damaged by fire or flooding. 

Set up your photo area in your storage unit: If you plan on listing items at online auctions, you may want to display your item's features by adding several pictures per listing. If you take the pictures at home, odds are that you'll have to set up the staging area each time you want to take the pictures, then take it down so that it's not in the way of your household traffic. By setting up a permanent picture area in your storage units, you'll find you're able to take pictures faster and thus increase your productivity.

Set up a permanent testing area: If you're going to be selling used electronics or electrical items, you'll need to know if the items work or if you should sell them as scrap. By renting storage units that have electrical access, you'll be able to plug in each item to ensure it functions properly. Make sure to keep a supply of common batteries at your testing location, so you can test items that don't plug into an electrical outlet.  

Use their address for your business: If you're planning on buying wholesale items to resell, you may not be home when your order is delivered. This could result in the packages being left unattended at your front door, potentially drawing the attention of drive-by thieves or dogs wandering by. Instead of worrying about your packages being stolen or damaged, look for a facility that will accept your packages. By renting storage units from such a facility, you won't have to worry about your packages going missing or being destroyed. Your purchases will be safe in the facility's office until you're ready to pick them up.